19 June 2009

Bains Numeriques Festival, June 09

Enghien Les Bains, Paris

On 5th June, the town of Enghien-les-Bains will be transformed.
Using all five senses you are invited to follow from the railway
station, through the streets, to the church and the market,
discovering the town’s joie de vivre. At a given moment
(you’ll know when), be ready to FREEZE wherever you are and become a living statue, silent and still as your senses soak in the spirit of the town. Keep your eyes, ears, noses and taste buds alert for the clues that will tell you what is happening next.

The aim of the project was for myself and Vesna Grandes to co-produce the site specific performance, to be held in different areas of Enghien Les Bains with a VIP showing in the 'Dansoir.'

We also contributed in delivering the educational packs to the schools within Enghien Les Bains based on movement exercises about the senses in which teachers could deliver to the young people.

This event is co-concieved and co-created by body>data>space(London)and Coney (London/anywhere) and is produced by body>data>space in Association with Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains); In collaboration with Solar Associates (London).
body>data>space and Coney first collaborated on a Freeze event in a commission by the Hide and Seek Festival 2008(London).

The video will hopefully follow shortly...as well as my near miss with an impatient french motorbike...we shall see.